ELDOA™ & Myofascial Stretching
Developed by renowned Osteopath Guy Voyer DO, the primary goal of the ELDOA™ method is to increase space by decompressing joints through a specific postural exercise.
There is an ELDOA for every joint of the spine as well as joints of the shoulder complex, hips and pelvis. As the ELDOA “create” space, there is an improvement in joint mechanics, increased blood flow, reduced pressure on the discs, a reduction of pain, spinal disc rehydration, improved posture, and a sense of well being and awareness.
These specific postures are a new type of stretching experience. Paired with pilates, or Voyer's method of Myofascial Stretching, this is a rehabilitative class well-suited for both for those with back pain or contraindications or for those wishing to find more mobility and joint health.